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Information on COVID-19


Thank you for your continued support and choosing Down Under Fitness Center for your fitness needs. In light of recent developments with the COVID-19 virus, we wanted to take this opportunity to communicate with you that due to the announcement made by Governor Bullock, the gym at the FItness Center will be close at least through next week. We are hoping that this is only short term and that all of you will be able to come back and enjoy your workouts soon and we'll be sure to keep you updated.


We want to thank all of our amazing members and staff for being understanding through this crazy, unconventional time. Without the support of the amazing Havre community and the fitness center, we would nto be where we are today. We hope that when we can open our dorrs, you all are there waiting for us!


We thank you for your help and cooperation in this difficult time and for being part of the Down Under Family. We appreciate YOU -- OUR COMMUNITY -- and want to THANK YOU for your support. As always, it is our top priority to keep you looking and feeling your best.We will be staying committed to exceeding your expectations in your health and well being In light of the recent developments with the COVID-19 virus we wanted to take this opportunity to communicate with you that we are staying open with our regular hours as well as share our existing practices and additional steps we have implemented in order to keep you and our staff healthy, safe and comfortable. As always, it is our top priority to keep you looking and feeling your best, and we are committed to exceeding your expectations in this time.


No matter the time of year or situation we face, as a business we are required to follow strict guidelines to ensure that we have an environment that is clean and sanitized. These occupational health and safety regulations include:

- disinfecting our stations, shampoo area, and front
- sanitizing our equipment
- washing our hands between each desk,
, treatment rooms, back bar areas, break rooms and bathrooms frequently as members move through their experience in our space.,


Additionally, we have added the following steps to support us all during this time and beyond:- 

- Per Governor Bullock's mandate, you must wear a mask upon entering and leaving the building.

- Frequent disinfecting of high touch areas including the front door, point of sale computer, product display and all door handles and styling chairs. 
- We have implemented additional sanitation measures in our kitchen area for dishes that are used by staff and guests.  
- We require each staff person to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer when they arrive at the salon and as needed throughout their schedule.
- We ask for your patience in this time should staff illness require we reschedule your appointments. We will always do our best to move your appointment to another team member if you wish.
- We will be mindful of physical touch such as shaking hands and hugging and will ask permission or refrain. Please feel confident in your response. We want you to feel comfortable.

We are all in this together and we need your help with the following:

- Please wash your hands as you arrive to the gym.
- If you are ill or feel sick, PLEASE stay home and reschedule.
- Please notify our staff if you see anyone demonstrating poor hygiene or health habits


We will continue to monitor developing conditions and precautionary instructions put in place by The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and adjust our care systems as needed.

If you have any questions or ideas, please do not hesitate to call or us. We’re here to help and listen. As always, let's help each other get healthy and stay healthy!

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